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Messages - craigjenkins1

Cool I might need some stuff from them in the future. Do they have a new website?
Introductions / Hello I'm Craig and I am a jeepaholic
August 27, 2008, 01:35:17 AM
I have a 97 tj that constantly being worked on right now I am planning on swapping a xj front axle housing into my tj along with replacing my heater core and figuring out why I only have defrost. Afterwards I plan on installing my fenders from JP fabrication May they rest in peace and people stop giving them shit. herculine my tub and off to paint and then wait for something else to break or get hit by a idiot. I came on this site to find out what has happened to jp fabrication because someday I wiould like to have more parts made. THinking maybe arock rail that would go all the way to my front fender flare with a step like the old willys. If there is anything left of this abused company please pm me.