What Lies Beyond Jeep Club

General Chat => Events => Topic started by: LPM606 on February 10, 2010, 06:58:36 AM

Title: Go Topless Day
Post by: LPM606 on February 10, 2010, 06:58:36 AM
So, thinking about the Go Topless Day event I had a couple of ideas.  I actually e-mailed John for his input as well but I wanted to throw it out there for a discussion.  My first thought is how to create some tie-in between the Jeep Club event and Bubbles Galore.  Since we are not doing this as a straight "car Show" but more just parking our topless jeeps at the carwash and having a picnic, I am struggling with how do we make a connection so car wash customers don't wonder what the heck is going on and people coming for the picnic aren't confused as to why we are doing it at a carwash.  The first thought I had was perhaps to muddy up a couple of our jeeps at the mounds first and then we could have a muddiest jeep prize and/or some type of carwash competition of who gets their jeep cleanest with the fewest tokens or something similar.  This could even be some type of promotional pictures that John could use - like "we got this muddy jeep clean for just $3.00 - imagine how your car will look" or something similar.  Any other ideas on how to make this tie-in successful and fun?

Also, I was wondering if we could somehow tie-in another food drive for the Eastern Michigan Food Bank.  I doubt carwash customer will happen to have canned food with them, so we could also have a donation bucket and maybe ask people for their leftover quarters or something...Not sure if John would appreciate us pestering the customers though... Any other thoughts on how to help out EMFB with this event?

I have some tailgating type games I could bring and set up for everyone (hillbilly golf and washer toss) and if anybody else has something like this that would be cool.  I also thought about having a contest to time people on taking their top down and putting it back up or something similar.  What are some other events we could add to make the day fun?  

Finally, I am thinking the actual picnic might be around 4-6 or something like that and we could do a mounds run pre-picnic and /or end the day over at our house where we could have a couple of beers and a fire out on the deck.  What do you think?
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: Paul Hittie on February 10, 2010, 09:14:12 AM
I spoke to Zoe Fly from CARS108/Banana101 yesterday about advertising for the car show, she said if we wanted to talk about radio advertising I could go through her and not one of her sales people (She is the VP of the parent company).  We didn't have time to talk about pricing though, I am sure it isn't cheap.  Not sure if it would be useful for a go topless day thing, just throwing it out there.
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: ricochet1987 on February 10, 2010, 04:14:48 PM
that sounds good im all for getting muddy i havn't washed my jeep since it was like 60 degrees out lol
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: LPM606 on February 10, 2010, 08:15:39 PM
Hmmm.... Not sure if advertising is what we want for the go topless event... Not looking to feed the masses.  And, strictly speaking it is more of a club picnic than an actual show.  That is why I suggested a few hours at the carwash then heading over to my place.  Still try to get my mind around exactly how to make it "make sense" that we are at the wash...

Might be good for the actual 4x4 show in august....
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: LPM606 on February 11, 2010, 08:06:45 AM
Here is a flyer I made up.  Obviously, not a final version.... Need times and need to see if we actually wind up with a bounce house, etc. The scan is a bit on the low res end to make the file smaller...
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: TechJeeper on February 11, 2010, 09:33:01 AM
Very nice flyer!

If you would like a copy of the logo with the background, shoot me an email

Cant wait! ::woot::
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: Paul Hittie on February 11, 2010, 09:39:31 AM
Hey, this is starting to look like a real event!
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: ouchman on February 11, 2010, 05:48:52 PM
::woot::  ::woot::
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: LPM606 on March 13, 2010, 09:03:05 AM
All things jeep has out event posted on their webiste along with a link to our website.  I e-mailed them the details a while back... they indicate that they send out some goodies for the clubs to use/give away during the event, so I am hoping something will show up soon!

Here is a link:

http://www.allthingsjeep.com/jeep-clubs ... -2010.html (http://www.allthingsjeep.com/jeep-clubs-going-topless-2010.html)
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: jeepfan1974 on March 14, 2010, 06:13:12 PM
jeep love ?? sounds like some hippie orgie jeep fun maybee :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: LPM606 on April 02, 2010, 08:47:17 AM
Well, since I will be missing the April meeting, I am not going to have a chance to be involved in the final discussion around this event.  I hope we can nail down some details on the car wash contest or some other fun stuff to make it come together.  Also, It turns out, we have Gabrielle's Dance Recital that night, so if we could maybe push to have this start earlier than I was first proposing - like maybe noon or 2:00 at the latest I would really appreciate it.  Obviously, the possible invite back to our place after the picnic is not going to work, sorry - we will dfinitely plan something at our place later in the summer! Cody - Have you heard anything more from John on what he is planning?  Did he have any ideas for tie-ins?
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: rallykid on April 02, 2010, 04:36:39 PM
I will have to check with janine to make sure there are no other plans but we might be able to move the after party to our house. We live close to there.
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: rallykid on April 02, 2010, 07:06:07 PM
Confirmed with Janine we are free. After party/bonfire at our house. Byob, chair and a side dish. We will supply the hot dogs.

After re-reading are we doing a picnic at the wash or doing food after? If we are doing food at the wash then if people want to bring chips and snacks then that is cool. If we are doing food here if everyone wants to bring a dish to pass that works too. Either way we will have dogs here.
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: LPM606 on April 03, 2010, 08:15:42 AM
We got our goodies from allthingsjeep.com in the mail yesterday.  40 "go topless day" bumper stickers and 2 "Go topless day" T-Shirts.  I'm sure we can use the shirts as prizes for any contests or competitions we come up with. Not bad for free.  They also sell the T-Shirts on-line if anyone is interested.
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: TechJeeper on April 07, 2010, 09:14:00 AM
John will be at the meeting Sunday.  He has been swamped as they just opened a detailing center at their car wash.
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: naypalm on May 08, 2010, 12:13:47 AM
I have the popup tent and I think the WLB banners and Tread Lightly Banner. I might also bring a table as well in case.

See Ya'll bright and early!
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: rallykid on May 08, 2010, 12:23:07 AM
I have the club info sheets that I got at the last meeting. I will be there about 10AM to get everything ready. Setup shouldn't be too bad. Mitch has the bounce house but if the wind is strong we aren't going to be able to set it up.  :shock:

Edit: If anyone is not going to make the event but is coming to the party after and needs directions call me. My number is in the member contact info.
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: longarm on May 08, 2010, 10:19:02 AM
I'll be showing up, but can't go topless in my Ford Focus.  How about, topless w/ undergarments?  That's about as close as I can get with a moon-roof....  The bounce house is a no-go for today.  The winds are 25-30 mph with up to 45 mph gusts.  Sorry guys, but mother earth dictated that one.  Not worth ruining a bounce house.  If the kids want excitement, have the little ones hold a really big umbrella and open it in the wind......  Might want two tether them down first though...
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: Paul Hittie on May 10, 2010, 09:22:22 AM
So besides cold wet weather, any other news/feedback?  

We had intermittent snow showes in St Helen all day
Title: Re: Go Topless Day
Post by: rallykid on May 13, 2010, 09:52:20 PM
Been busy and haven't been around. The event was great even with the lousy weather. Had fun hanging out and chatting with everyone. The after party was fun as well and we enjoyed having everyone over who stopped by.