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Messages - Herezja

The Lounge / Re: new dog, need help with a name
December 18, 2008, 05:05:27 AM
I voted for Barry....but I have a couple more for ya to consider. I have a black lab named Kiboko (it means Hippo in Swahili) so this got me to about:

Guapo (Spanish for handsome)
Mazungu (Swahili for white-person - kind of like Gringo in Spanish)
Gringo (Spanish for white-person/tourist)

Just thought I would throw those out there....but I still like Barry!

The Lounge / Re: Finally got my date!
December 16, 2008, 01:05:54 AM
Thanks ya'll....see ya soon!!

The Lounge / Finally got my date!
December 12, 2008, 03:42:24 AM
I am outta here on either Jan. 14 or 15 depending on flight availability, which should put me in Saginaw on the 16th! Of course, I still don't have a job yet...anybody want to hire an out of work Network Administrator with web design, PBX, wireless, and Motorola radio experience (with a TS clearance)?

I still haven't sold the Rubicon yet so it may be heading back with me...we'll see what pans out in the next few weeks.

Anyway...if anyone would like to trek to Saginaw for a beer on the 17th just let me know.

See you all soon!

Jeep Talk / Re: Looking For A Good & Trustworthy Shop
November 06, 2008, 06:15:17 AM
Quote from: "Herezja"
Quote from: "longarm"The front end of the KJ is going to be the most trouble.  You have to remove some stuff to get at what you need.  2TM Offroad in Flushing is great.  They worked on my Jeep after the accident and did a great job.  I would go back there in a heartbeat.  Jeff and Eric are the guys I dealt with.  I don't know if your going to get 31's on there w/o some trimming.  Ed and Julie are running a small lift and bigger than stock tires on their KJ.  They would be best to ask in here.  I would think at biggest, 255/70/16, but don't quote me on that.

I will check it out...thanks!

I double-checked Rusty's site and they are claiming that 31s will fit with the 2" BB. Although this is the first KJ I have dealt with (I usually am a CJ/YJ/TJ person), I am going to go with what they are saying. I should be able to get a good assesment, though, after the lift is installed and before tires are bought.

I am having a hard time talking Missy into having the work done before I get I will probably be there to do the lift anyway.

Thanks for all the help everyone!!!
Jeep Talk / Re: Looking For A Good & Trustworthy Shop
November 03, 2008, 03:46:29 AM
Quote from: "longarm"The front end of the KJ is going to be the most trouble.  You have to remove some stuff to get at what you need.  2TM Offroad in Flushing is great.  They worked on my Jeep after the accident and did a great job.  I would go back there in a heartbeat.  Jeff and Eric are the guys I dealt with.  I don't know if your going to get 31's on there w/o some trimming.  Ed and Julie are running a small lift and bigger than stock tires on their KJ.  They would be best to ask in here.  I would think at biggest, 255/70/16, but don't quote me on that.

I will check it out...thanks!
Jeep Talk / Re: Looking For A Good & Trustworthy Shop
October 30, 2008, 02:47:09 AM
Thanks guys. I am going to let her know about your offer to help out and see what she says. I really appreciate it.

I have to say, this is a great club and I have always loved the way the Jeep community will come together for one another. Having lived out of the country for a while, I have missed that.

Jeep Talk / Looking For A Good & Trustworthy Shop
October 29, 2008, 04:09:37 AM
Hey All!!

I need a little help while I am still stuck in Rwanda....

Melissa (my wife), whom some of you have met, is back in Saginaw while I am finishing up my tour in Rwanda. It has been confirmed that I will be heading back to the States in January  ::woot::  Anyway, Melissa's Liberty is having a bit of a tire issue and instead of her having to fool around with it, a better solution is in my mind. We have already bought a Rusty's 2" lift for it and were waiting until I got back to install it (I like to do my own work). But since she is having some issues with the stock tires, I was figuring if there was a good shop, she could take the Liberty and have the lift installed and throw some 31" BFG M/Ts under it. It makes more sense than throwing money into another set of stock tires when the stocks are coming off anyway, right?

So I am basically looking for a good, club affiliated shop, somewhat (but doesn't have to be next door) close to Saginaw. Someplace where they will not rip her off or take advantage and still do good work.

Does anyone have a reccomendation??


Chris  ::Jeep::
The Lounge / Re: New Main Page!
October 09, 2008, 09:54:05 AM
pretty sexy!   ::woot::
The Lounge / Re: Brendans new paint job
August 29, 2008, 04:20:40 AM
Now that is cool, right there!  ::woot::
The Lounge / Thanks to Everyone!
August 11, 2008, 09:13:00 AM
Melissa and I have been back in Rwanda for about a week and a day now. We just wanted to thank eveyone for letting us participate in the July club meeting. We meet some really cool people and are impressed at where the club is heading and the things you all are doing. We are definitely going to join when we are permanently back in MI (if you all will have us  :mrgreen:).

Also...we have a new addition to the family! We went to visit my parents in MD a few days after the meeting and bought a 2005 Liberty (for Melissa) while we were there. We are already looking into a lift, tires, roof rack mounted spare, and bumpers! So if you see a dark kahki Liberty with smoked rims and 2.5" under it...give Melissa a wave!

Again though....thanks to eveyone who was at the meeting and we will see you all when we get back.

P.S. Does anyone have some good places for Liberty accessories? I am thinking the Rusty's 2.5" lift, but am looking for grill guards/bumpers, roof racks, etc. as well. Thanks!

Quote from: "Nosilla"Yes it will be July 13th. The meetings are held at the eagles club on M-15 just North of davison.

Ok....We will be there! See you all then!  ::woot::

Thanks for the info!
I seem to remember that it was being postponed until July 13th because of 4th of July travelers. My wife and I made sure it was on our schedule during our vacation in July, but I just wanted to double-check that I had the right date. Plus, to be totally honest, I have NO IDEA where it is going to be. I'm just trying to get all of my proverbial ducks in a row before we fly next week.


Quote from: "Nosilla"Thanks for letting us learn from your head ache.

Glad it is fixed. Brakes are very important sometimes.

Hey....I'm there for you  :D   I'll tell ya, though, I was suprised at how well it stopped in 4-LO without brakes. It actually stopped better than when I had brakes (when they were just mushy) and all I had to do was let off the gas and white knuckle the parking brake  :mrgreen: 4:1 low-range with a manual tranny just has so many uses!

Quote from: "phittie1100"It's not like you can just run to the corner auto parts store for anything you discovered you needed after you started!

Corner parts store??!!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I wish.  :lol: Everything is closed on Sundays to add on to the mess. I basically quit working on it on Sunday becuase I ran out of brake fluid, even though I had bought extra.

Can I just say....I can't wait to move back to the U.S.  ::woot::
Update #2: It's FIXED!!!  ::woot::  For those of you wondering, it turned out to be the regulator that mounts under the master cylinder...the one thing that I did not have spare parts for. Figures. Apparently, the mechanic here took it apart, cleaned it, and reassembled it and now everything is working well again! He was telling me that alot of times when you replace the master cylinder, that regulator needs to be cleaned out of the old fluid and basic gunk. For those of you looking at doing a master cylinder change....keep that one in mind!
Tech Talk / Re: Additional Passenger in YJ Ideas
June 16, 2008, 11:22:15 AM
Quote from: "Yager"lol, that's kind of funny.. yeah, I figured the roof supports run through the b and c columns. Buuuuut, I can cut the rear part of the roof off near the furtherst back windows and turn it into a four seater mini truck. fab up a half assed roll bar back there and throw a soft top on it.

Either JP or 4Wheel & Offroad did an article a couple of months ago about installing a rag top sunroof (full length) in a Cherokee. You would still have to reinforce, but it might work for you. Other than that, you could always lenghten the frame and body of the YJ...but jeez, you might as well go for the 4 door before all that work. Although, it might make a fun project  :mrgreen: