Final Go Topless Flyer

Started by LPM606, April 19, 2010, 07:50:19 AM

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I re-did the flyer with the times, etc.  Not sure how to post this up on the home page - Cody or Matt?

Also, Anyone who wants to print a few to put up at work or wherever shoot me an e-mail address and I'll send you the file.  

Any forums we could post this up on to let other jeepers know about it?

***EDIT: Here is the large flier if needed


Sorry, I can't figure out how to make this just add as an attachement rather than appearing inside the message (and extremely large)


Hey Ed, I don't think its the EMFB thats collecting, let me find out and post up. Thanks!


Holy Huge Flier Batman! Looks great Ed, I wasn't too sure as if it was the EMFB or not, might have to talk to Mr. Goode about it, as I wrote it down as MI food bank in my sloppy notes  :lol:


I believe it is Outreach East.
Always outnumbered, never outgunned


I am on the road this week so I have no way to edit the flier right now.  I will do it saturday morning and repost.


here is a corrected version.